

海牛观赏中心 has just been selected as one of the USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice travel awards 最佳免费景点. 祝贺海牛, 鲨鱼, 射线, butterflies 和 other wildlife – 和 the hardworking humans, too – who contributed to this honor. And thanks to all our fan-atees for voting for us.

海牛观赏中心 is closed for the season. See you when we reopen November 1st!


你好,人类! Come visit us at 坦帕电’s 海牛观赏中心!

海牛喜欢温暖的海水. And by a stroke of POWERful luck, 坦帕电 can provide it to them! 线上真钱赌城在阿波罗海滩的大弯电站从坦帕湾循环水用于冷却, then sends the water flowing clean 和 warm back into the bay. 在冬季的几个月里,海牛离开寒冷的水域,回到这个温暖宜人的避难所.

Because of this uniquely unusual migration, 线上真钱赌城建立了海牛观赏中心,这样每个人都有机会看到海牛聚集在一起. 线上真钱赌城的排放运河是州和联邦指定的海牛保护区,为这些独特的动物提供了重要的御寒保护, 温和的动物.

地点: 迪克曼道6990号.佛罗里达州阿波罗海滩33572
小时: Open 每天 from November 1 - April 15, 10 a.m. 到5点.m. 步道下午4点关闭.m. We are closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day 和 Easter. 平安夜下午三点关门.m. 有问题? 请致电 813-228-4289.

NO PETS allowed, service animals are welcome.
坦帕电 proudly offers free parking 和 admission to all who visit! 

抬起鼻子——海牛是这场表演的主角,但还有更多值得一看和学习的东西! 海牛观赏中心 is just one part of the 佛罗里达的保护 & 技术中心. 客人可以 下载此地图 自由自在 Avenza地图应用程序 to see their exact location on the FCTC campus.

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At 坦帕电’s 海牛观赏中心, there is a lot to see 和 do! Visitors can w和er along boardwalks overlooking the warm-water area where manatees gather; visit a newly remodeled education center to learn about the plant-eating, 温血动物”温和的巨人;” 和 even get a bite to eat at the Southshore Café.

海牛经常在不到6英尺深的水中游泳,那里的水下植被最为丰富. Sadly, this makes them susceptible to boat strikes. 科学家估计,佛罗里达水域大约有6000头海牛,它们需要线上真钱赌城的帮助!

Check To See If Manatees Are At The Center Using Our Live Webcams!


海牛观赏中心 摄像头东西方网络摄像头, 坐落在中心花园和木板路的高处,一直运营到4月15日中心开放季节结束. Take control of the camera to explore. 当水温降到华氏68度以下时,你可能会看到许多海牛!

注意: You have two minutes to use the camera before control goes to the next in line. 如果没有其他人在线,您将能够控制相机,直到下一个请求. 你可以通过点击相机取景屏内的位置来引导相机对焦.

Please allow a moment for the camera controls to respond to your comm和s.


A featured part of the Great Florida Birding Trail, 海牛观赏中心的潮汐步道不仅提供充满活力的鸟类,也是观赏海牛的最佳地点之一! 在这900英尺高的地方, ADA-compliant walkway you’ll see a variety of native coastal plants 和 trees, 还有动物的生命. 在走道的尽头, you can view manatees in 大弯电站's clean, 暖水渠.



坦克, part of a partnership with the Florida Aquarium, 休赛期是美国职业棒球大联盟坦帕湾光芒队吉祥物的主场吗. It offers a fascinating look at cownose 射线 swimming just inches away, lightly grazing your fingertips as they glide past.

As of March 25, 2024 the 射线 have moved to their other home at Tropicana Field. The 射线 touch experience will be unavailable for the remainder of the season.


与海牛观赏中心相连的是一条沿海栖息地小径,蜿蜒十分之八英里,穿过盐沼, coastal high marsh 和 coastal str和 habitats. It showcases a variety of plant 和 animal life, 让游客沉浸在宁静中, 佛罗里达的自然环境. Additional trails 和 boardwalks connect you to all of the Florida Technology 和 Conservation Center.

沿着栖息地步道的中间是一条木板路,带你到线上真钱赌城的野生动物观察塔. 从50英尺高的有利位置欣赏周围的栖息地,包括下面的河口. On clear days, you can see all the way across Tampa Bay! Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy at one of the tables at the base of the tower. 线上真钱赌城在整个小径上都有太阳能桌,你可以在太阳能电池板的阴影下放松,同时给手机或其他电子产品充电.



Inside the environmental education building, colorful displays immerse you in the world of the manatee 和 its habitat. Inspect actual manatee bones 和 piece together puzzles. 蜿蜒穿过红树林隧道,沿着海草床漂流,潜入温泉. You can also learn about a few of our local manatees. 面对面, 或者线上真钱赌城应该说鼻子对鼻子, 了解海牛面临的危险,并了解线上真钱赌城如何帮助保护这些神奇的哺乳动物!


有这么多兴奋的游客, 线上真钱赌城的志愿讲解员是海牛观赏中心运作的重要组成部分. 线上真钱赌城的许多讲解员已经和线上真钱赌城一起工作了10多年,一季接一季地回来. Being a docent at the 海牛观赏中心 is a rewarding experience, in a uniquely beautiful 和 fun location!

如果你愿意做志愿者的话, 线上真钱赌城要求您在中心的工作季节(11月1日至4月15日)期间,每周至少抽出一天时间,每次4小时。. If interested, just send us an email from our 联系线上真钱赌城页面 (be sure to select 海牛观赏中心 in the pull-down box). Interested docents age 18 和 older are welcome to apply.


A. We are closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, 和 Easter. On Christmas Eve we close at 3 p.m.

A. 停车场对公众是免费的,并且在MVC的南面有多余的停车位. 

A. 这取决于你! You are welcome to stay as long as you like. 线上真钱赌城早上10点开门.m. 到5点.m. 每天. The average group spends one to two hours. (The wildlife observation tower 和 habitat trails close at 4 p.m. 每天. The last golf cart to the Center For Conservation is at 4:30 p.m.)

A. 佛罗里达的天气可能难以预测,所以请在到达之前查看天气预报. 线上真钱赌城风雨无阻. Shoes 和 shirts are required during your visit. Closed toed shoes are recommended, 和 don't forget your sunscreen.

A. 是的,线上真钱赌城不想让你错过捕捉你最喜欢的时刻的机会! 请注意,未经同意,严禁进行专业摄影.


没有MVC的镜头, 无论是静态图像还是视频, may be used for any purpose other than personal use. 因此, 繁殖, modification or retransmission in any form, 无论如何, for reasons other than personal use, 是严格禁止的.

A. 为了保障团队成员的安全和健康,线上真钱赌城暂时停止了见面和问候.

A. Smoking is permitted in designated areas only.

A. 宠物不得入内. Only service animals are permitted on the grounds.

A. 是的,线上真钱赌城鼓励您在11月1日至4月15日之间预订团体房.

A. 海牛观赏中心的讲解员(志愿教育者)每个季节都会帮助成千上万的中心游客了解佛罗里达海牛, coastal vegetation 和 bird 和 fish habitats. 讲解员的主要职责是代表线上赌钱充值与参观者和学校团体打招呼并互动,以促进环境管理.

在海牛观赏中心, 有机会与游客分享有关受保护的海牛,以及栖息在佛罗里达州沿海栖息地和坦帕湾水域的各种植物和令人惊叹的野生动物的信息. 线上真钱赌城的许多讲解员已经做了10多年的志愿者,一季接一季地回来. 在海牛观赏中心做志愿者对你和游客来说都是一次有益的经历!

If you are age 18 or older 和 would like to volunteer as a docent, 海牛观赏中心将为您提供您需要回答的一系列常见问题的培训材料.

线上真钱赌城要求讲解员在中心开放期间每周至少抽出一天时间,每次三小时, from November 1 through April 15. 在此期间,海牛观赏中心每周7天开放,从上午10点开始.m. 到5点.m. (the wildlife observation tower 和 habitat trails close at 4 p.m. 日报)注意: the center is closed Thanksgiving, at 3 p.m. on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day 和 Easter.

如果您对志愿服务和成为导赏员感兴趣,请从线上真钱赌城的 联系线上真钱赌城页面 (be sure to select 海牛观赏中心 in the pull-down box).



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